More Faffing About With A Camera…

More Faffing About With A Camera…

We had a pretty loud and obnoxious thunderstorm last night here at Chez Janni. It woke me up at just after 2 am and since I am rather terrified of storms (Google “Ringgold Tornado 2011” if you want to know why…) I couldn’t go back to sleep. So… I’m a bit of a zombie today. I can’t focus on anything for longer than about a minute.

So what did I do? I got out the camera and I went outside.

I don’t know why I do this to myself, really. I know full well that my camera lenses are quite subpar, and that getting sharp, focused photos is pretty much impossible with them – yet I still subject myself to the agony. I take a bunch of pics, then come inside and process them to see if any of them are salvageable. Hardly any of them turn out how I wanted them to, and I end up settling for a handful of mediocre shots which I then subject to the poor, unsuspecting folks who happen across this website. (Sorry in advance…)

We have some nice colours out there right now as the leaves are turning various shades of red, orange, and yellow… many of them have fallen, but there are still many on the trees. I can really only access whatever happens to be right around my driveway, so my subject matter is quite repetitive, I’m afraid. Anyway, I wanted to give it a go again with the new eyeglasses. I am still breaking them in with my eyes – it’s always a process to try and get used to new strengths in one’s lenses, particularly progressives/varifocals. While my overall vision was INSTANTLY better, the fine-tuning that has to happen in the brain or wherever to reconcile the new vision over the old is a bit of a pain for a few days. These lenses are MUCH stronger than my old ones. My left eye seems to be rebelling to the change more than the right, but I feel sure it’ll come around. (They always do right themselves eventually.) Nonetheless, until it does, it made trying to look through the camera’s viewfinder a bit of a challenge. 😜 Still, I persevered… and got a few shots.

Apologies for the dismal quality, but please just humour me. I really have not got much else in my life at the moment. Taking pictures keeps my mind from going to dark places, so I try to embrace it whenever I can. So… here they are… a lot of leaves… and a few other random snaps. The one of the peanuts in my yard is because I put some out for my crow and squirrel friends. 😉 I don’t have a random peanuts popping up out there. LOL!